Privacy policy
Who we are
Melanie Noble is practising osteopathy from 30 Camelford Road, Bristol, BS5 6HW. Her telephone number is 07865 043 075, email address hello@melanienoble.co.uk.
The personal data we process and what we do with it
We record and use the following personal data: name, address, telephone numbers, email address, date of birth, occupation, health information including medical history, diagnosis and treatment data. Our lawful basis of processing this data is one of consent and for the provision of health-related services as an Osteopathic clinic. We will only examine or treat you with your explicit consent and we will never pass your data on to any third parties.
Retaining your personal data
Whilst you are receiving treatment from our clinic we will continue to store your personal data. Once you have been discharged, we will be required to retain your personal data for a minimum of 8 years. For child patients, your records are kept until you reach 25 (or 26 if you are 17 when treatment ends).
Your rights
You may request a copy of your data at any time. Please make such a request in writing or by email to Melanie Noble. We will need to verify your identity, so we may ask for a copy of your passport, driving licence and/or recent utility bill. If you believe any of the personal data we hold on you is inaccurate or incomplete, please contact the clinic directly and any necessary corrections to your data will be made promptly.
Data breaches
In the unlikely event of a data breach, we will contact you without delay. We will explain to you the nature of the breach and the steps we are taking to deal with it.
Should you wish to complain
You can contact the ICO via their website: www.ico.org.uk should you wish to make a complaint about the way we are processing your personal data.